Home Demi Boost Inserts / 超級升「級」胸墊

Demi Boost Inserts / 超級升「級」胸墊

Sale price HK$430.00
Size: AA
Color: Beige

Demi Boost Inserts Sizing Guide

If you are unsure of your bra size, please measure your bust and contact us with the measurements.


60A AA
65A AA
70A AA
75A A
80A B
85A C
90A D
95A E
100A F
60B AA
65B AA
70B A
75B B
80B C
85B D
90B E
95B F
100B G
60C AA
65C A
70C B
75C C
80C D
85C E
90C F
95C G
100C H
60D A
65D B
70D C
75D D
80D E
85D F
90D G
95D H
100D I
60E B
65E C
70E D
75E E
80E F
85E G
90E H
95E I


60F C
65F D
70F E
75F F
80F G
85F H
90F I
60G D
65G E
70G F
75G G
80G H
85G I
60H E
65H F
70H G
75H H
80H I
60J F
65J G
60K G
65K H
70K I
60L H
65L I
60M I

Tip: For the perfect fit, we recommend choosing your true size. Only size down if you are in between sizes.

For sizes 34I and up, our Invisible Lift Inserts (lightly padded) are available in sizes up to 34M.

For the Demi Boost, size X-Small will be shipped for size AA. Size Small will be shipped for sizes A, B, and C. Size Medium will be shipped for sizes D and E. Size Large will be shipped for sizes F and G, and size Extra-Large will be shipped for sizes H and I.

Please note that results may vary depending on breast size and shape. Results will be similar to a double push up bra. BOOMBA padded inserts work best with natural breasts.   

If you need any help with sizing or insert styles, please feel free to contact us for further assistance, we'd love to hear from you!

購買前要量度尺寸! Know your size before buying!
唔知道自己咩碼?輸入你嘅胸圍同 Cup Size 就可以知你嘅 BOOMBA 尺寸啦!
Unsure of your bra size? Input your band and cup size below to get your BOOMBA size!

需要額外協助?話比我哋知你嘅 胸圍同下胸圍尺寸 ,我哋就可以幫你搵出完美 Size!

Still need assistance? Send us your bust and underbust measurements and we'll help you find your perfect fit!

This padded insert is specially designed for demi cup styles. Stick it inside wedding dresses, bras, bandeau bikinis, etc. for a natural-looking boost.

  • Natural-looking boost designed for demi cup style clothing
  • Boosts up to 2 cup sizes
  • Prevents nipple slips in low cut tops
  • Insert stays put and keeps clothing in place
  • Interchangeable between outfits, no sewing required
  • Our inserts are not intended for individuals who have sensitive or thin skin or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Unlike a sticky bra that is supported by the adhesive, BOOMBA inserts are supported by the clothing, they cannot stay up by themselves. It is crucial to wear them in tight, structured, and fitted tops.

For the perfect fit, we recommend choosing your true size. Only size down if you are in between sizes.

Have augmented breasts? Please check our FAQ section to see if they are suitable for you.

BOOMBA 專利胸墊正確用法


和傳統胸墊一樣,BOOMBA 胸墊需要穿戴在衣服底下,不能單獨使用。

  • 第一步

  • 穿戴胸墊前,收緊衣服以達至最佳效果。

  • 第二步

  • 將胸墊痴喺衣服內側,切勿直接貼於胸部上。

  • 第三步

  • 將胸部內推集中以營造乳溝。

  • 第四步

  • 按壓胸墊令罩杯緊貼胸部,稍稍用力固定位置。

  • 第五步

  • 面向鏡子確保兩側穿戴均勻,按需要重新調整。




對於 75G 或以上尺寸,BOOMBA 隱形提升胸墊(薄墊)尺寸可達 75N。

超級升「級」胸墊:AA 碼Cup為加細碼,A、B、C  Cup為細碼,D 和 E Cup為中碼,F 和 G 碼為大碼。H 和 I 碼為大碼。

請注意,成效因乳房大小和形狀而異,效果將類似於雙重提升胸圍。 BOOMBA 胸墊最適合用於天然乳房。



60A AA 加細碼
65A AA 加細碼
70A AA 加細碼
75A A 細碼
80A B 細碼
85A C 細碼
90A D 中碼
95A E 中碼
100A F 大碼
60B AA 加細碼
65B AA 加細碼
70B A 細碼
75B B 細碼
80B C 細碼
85B D 中碼
90B E 中碼
95B F 大碼
100B G 大碼
60C AA 加細碼
65C A 細碼
70C B 細碼
75C C 細碼
80C D 中碼
85C E 中碼
90C F 大碼
95C G 大碼
100C H 加大碼
60D A 細碼
65D B 細碼
70D C 細碼
75D D 中碼
80D E 中碼
85D F 大碼
90D G 大碼
95D H 加大碼
100D I 加大碼
60E B 細碼
65E C 細碼
70E D 中碼
75E E 中碼
80E F 大碼
85E G 大碼
90E H 加大碼
95E I 加大碼
60F C 細碼
65F D 中碼
70F E 中碼
75F F 大碼
80F G 大碼
85F H 加大碼
90F I 加大碼
60G D 中碼
65G E 中碼
70G F 大碼
75G G 大碼
80G H 加大碼
85G I 加大碼
60H E 中碼
65H F 大碼
70H G 大碼
75H H 加大碼
80H I 加大碼
60J F 大碼
65J G 大碼
60K G 大碼
65K H 加大碼
70K I 加大碼
60L H 加大碼
65L I 加大碼
60M I 加大碼




限時優惠,所有訂單滿300元免運費! 普通快遞運輸需要大概 5 - 10 個工作日嘅運輸時間。 客戶亦可以升級順豐速遞($50),保證運輸時間為 2 - 3 個工作日,否則運費全額退款。 無論結賬時選擇邊種運輸方式,確認後都需要 1 - 3 個工作日處理訂單。我哋週一至週五發貨,週末同假期唔發貨。訂單發貨後嘅 48小時內,你將收到一封帶有追蹤號碼嘅確認電郵。 請注意,如果提供嘅地址唔準確或唔完整,或者訂單有未經驗證嘅詳細資料,處理時效可能會延遲 2 - 4個工作日。客戶有責任確保所提供嘅地址正確無誤。 BOOMBA 團隊會盡最大努力去確認發貨訊息嘅準確度,但包裹一經發出,我哋將無法再更改訊息。當包裹到達時,客戶有責任安排收件。如果包裹因客戶不在場或由於提供嘅運輸訊息有誤而被退回,普通快遞將收取港幣 $99 安排重新運輸及重新處理費用,加急運輸可能會收取額外費用。我哋鼓勵所有客戶喺結賬前徹底檢查運輸同賬單訊息,以避免任何可能嘅延誤。如果地址有任何問題,請盡快聯繫 contact@getboomba.com。


Please note that our inserts are not intended for individuals who have sensitive or thin skin or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Like traditional inserts, BOOMBA inserts need to be used inside clothing. They cannot be used by themselves.

  • STEP 1

  • Wear the garment on your body. Tighten the garment if possible for best results.

  • STEP 2

  • Stick the inserts onto the inside of your clothing item and not to your skin.

  • STEP 3

  • Scoop breasts up and towards the centre to create cleavage.

  • STEP 4

  • While scooping, press the insert onto the breasts and press firmly to secure.

  • STEP 5

  • Make sure both sides are even in the mirror, adjust if needed.

Check out this blog to know which insert is suitable for your outfit.



對於 75G 或以上尺寸,BOOMBA 隱形提升胸墊(薄墊)尺寸可達 75N。

超級升「級」胸墊:AA 碼Cup為加細碼,A、B、C  Cup為細碼,D 和 E Cup為中碼,F 和 G 碼為大碼。H 和 I 碼為大碼。

請注意,成效因乳房大小和形狀而異,效果將類似於雙重提升胸圍。 BOOMBA 胸墊最適合用於天然乳房。



60A AA 加細碼
65A AA 加細碼
70A AA 加細碼
75A A 細碼
80A B 細碼
85A C 細碼
90A D 中碼
95A E 中碼
100A F 大碼
60B AA 加細碼
65B AA 加細碼
70B A 細碼
75B B 細碼
80B C 細碼
85B D 中碼
90B E 中碼
95B F 大碼
100B G 大碼
60C AA 加細碼
65C A 細碼
70C B 細碼
75C C 細碼
80C D 中碼
85C E 中碼
90C F 大碼
95C G 大碼
100C H 加大碼
60D A 細碼
65D B 細碼
70D C 細碼
75D D 中碼
80D E 中碼
85D F 大碼
90D G 大碼
95D H 加大碼
100D I 加大碼
60E B 細碼
65E C 細碼
70E D 中碼
75E E 中碼
80E F 大碼
85E G 大碼
90E H 加大碼
95E I 加大碼
60F C 細碼
65F D 中碼
70F E 中碼
75F F 大碼
80F G 大碼
85F H 加大碼
90F I 加大碼
60G D 中碼
65G E 中碼
70G F 大碼
75G G 大碼
80G H 加大碼
85G I 加大碼
60H E 中碼
65H F 大碼
70H G 大碼
75H H 加大碼
80H I 加大碼
60J F 大碼
65J G 大碼
60K G 大碼
65K H 加大碼
70K I 加大碼
60L H 加大碼
65L I 加大碼
60M I 加大碼




Limited time only, FREE shipping on orders $55.00+ for:
Australia, US (excluding Alaska and Hawaii), Singapore, UK, Canada, Hong Kong, Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Japan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, Sweden, Thailand, and Vietnam. 

Free Shipping on orders $105.00+ for the rest of the world, otherwise $136.00 shipping fee applies.

Express shipping (3-7 business days) available everywhere for $39.00.

Please find the average transit time below:


Average Shipping Time
(Business Days)

North America


United States 4-12
Canada 6-11
Mexico 5-12



Australia 5-12
New Zealand 8-10
Hong Kong 3-7
Singapore 3-7
Malaysia 3-7
Thailand 3-7
Philippines 3-7
Rest of Asia 5-15
UK 4-10


EU 10-15
Switzerland 6-10
Austria 7-11
Rest of Europe 10-15
Rest of the world 10-25

Real Girls, Real Results

Loved By Everyone

How To Use


Why Choose BOOMBA?

BOOMBA products are created by women for women. That’s why our products fit and feel better, because we have also experienced the same struggles you have right now.

We create our products using the best materials and really put care and thought behind the design to ensure a seamless and comfortable fit. When you wear BOOMBA’s products, you will definitely feel and see the difference a good bra makes.

Our products may not be the cheapest, but you can bet that our products will outlast the competitors. Many sticky bra alternatives are priced lower, but you can also only get a few uses out of them. Ours are created using the highest quality materials so that they will actually last, creating less waste in the long run. All our products are also manufactured in a safe and clean working environment that pays fair wages to their employees. We are proud to support fair trade and want to thank you for also doing the same.

Together we can make a difference.

Slide for more info >>>>

Which BOOMBA Inserts is best for you?


Hollywood’s #1 Best Kept Secret

  • “With products from nipple pasties to patented inserts, BOOMBA are the boobs’ new BFF.”

  • “The best-selling inserts that are breaking the internet.”

  • “BOOMBA’s Ultra Boost Inserts are not kidding about the ‘boost’.”

  • “The best wedding accessory of 2022.”

  • “The holy grail of bras.”

  • “BOOMBA inserts are a must-have for brides!”

  • “BOOMBA is one of the best bra alternatives.”

  • “The Invisibra from BOOMBA is an absolute game-changer.”

  • “BOOMBA’s ultra-thin sticky bras are a must-have for this summer.”